EJS 20th Anniversary

The Equal Justice Society is transforming the nation’s consciousness on race through law, social science, and the arts. A national legal organization focused on restoring constitutional safeguards against discrimination, EJS’s goal is to help achieve a society where race is no longer a barrier to opportunity. Specifically, EJS is working to fully restore the constitutionalContinue reading “EJS 20th Anniversary”

EJS Thwarts the School-to-Prison Pipeline

One unfortunate reality about U.S. education and the criminal justice system is that disproportionate suspensions and expulsions of children of color often lead these children into prisons and jails (the school-to-prison pipeline). Nationally, zero-tolerance discipline has resulted in students of color (especially Black students), students with disabilities, LGBTQ youth, and trauma-affected children being disproportionately impactedContinue reading “EJS Thwarts the School-to-Prison Pipeline”