Keith Olbermann: ‘Immigration Detention Centers as Bad as Gitmo’

MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann calls immigration detention centers “Gitmo Jr.-gate”, and that’s right on point. Olbermann’s comments during his “Still Bushed!” segment was prompted by a report just released by Amnesty International, “Jailed without Justice.” (Thanks to for the post on this.) Please read this, or at least glance through. You will find stories suchContinueContinue reading “Keith Olbermann: ‘Immigration Detention Centers as Bad as Gitmo’”

Attorneys Needed to Help Respond to Immigration Raids

Consistent with our Grand Alliance work, Equal Justice Society has partnered with the San Francisco Immigrant Legal & Education Network (SFILEN). In the course of this collaboration, the need for more Rapid Response attorneys has arisen. Two attorneys, Francisco Ugarte, staff attorney at SFILEN, and Sin Yen Ling, staff attorney at the Asian Law Caucus,ContinueContinue reading “Attorneys Needed to Help Respond to Immigration Raids”

Asian America Must Battle Injustice with President Obama

I originally wrote this for, a site covering Asian media and pop culture. A Black man born in Hawai’i with an Asian sister was sworn into office Tuesday as our President. He took the oath of office on the same bible used by Abraham Lincoln for the exact same oath 148 years ago, realizingContinueContinue reading “Asian America Must Battle Injustice with President Obama”