SAFE California Act to Replace Death Penalty Wins Place on Nov. Ballot

Original post by Jeanne Woodford, former Warden at San Quentin State Prison, current Executive Director at Death Penalty Focus, and official proponent of the SAFE California Campaign. It’s official. The SAFE California Act (, the initiative to replace the death penalty with life in prison with no possibility of parole, has qualified for the November ballot. The lastContinueContinue reading “SAFE California Act to Replace Death Penalty Wins Place on Nov. Ballot”

SAFE California Act to Replace Death Penalty Wins Place on Nov. Ballot

Original post by Jeanne Woodford, former Warden at San Quentin State Prison, current Executive Director at Death Penalty Focus, and official proponent of the SAFE California Campaign. It’s official. The SAFE California Act (, the initiative to replace the death penalty with life in prison with no possibility of parole, has qualified for the November ballot. The lastContinueContinue reading “SAFE California Act to Replace Death Penalty Wins Place on Nov. Ballot”