Thomas A. Saenz Statement on President’s Decision to Provide Relief for Undocumented Youth

Today, MALDEF President and General Counsel, Thomas A. Saenz, released a statement in response to President Obama’s decision to provide relief to undocumented youth who have lived in the United States for most of their lives. According to a memo from Secretary Napolitano, on a case-by-case basis, undocumented youth shall be immune from deportation throughContinueContinue reading “Thomas A. Saenz Statement on President’s Decision to Provide Relief for Undocumented Youth”

National Immigration Law Center, MALDEF, ACLU, ACLU of Arizona to Mount Legal Challenge Against Arizona Racial Profiling Law

The National Immigration Law Center, MALDEF, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the ACLU of Arizona today held a news conference in front of the Arizona State Capitol Building in Phoenix to announce their future legal challenge to Governor Jan Brewer’s recently signed SB1070. The organizations also sought to address misinformation and fears that haveContinueContinue reading “National Immigration Law Center, MALDEF, ACLU, ACLU of Arizona to Mount Legal Challenge Against Arizona Racial Profiling Law”

Informational Forums on California Citizens Redistricting Commission

On Jan. 25 in San Francisco and Jan. 26 in Sacramento, learn how you can apply to serve on the commission and ensure the commission reflects the diversity of our state at forums sponsored by MALDEF, EJS, CaCCR, APALC and NAACP California. In 2008, California voters passed Proposition 11, creating California’s first-ever citizens redistricting commission.ContinueContinue reading “Informational Forums on California Citizens Redistricting Commission”